In msys2 you can install tmux using:
pacman -S tmux
YouCompleteMe should be compiled and it is NOT compatible with msys2 python or Anaconda. I have installed curl and git using choco in PowerShell. I git cloned YouCompleteMe and went there and ranpython --all
remember I had GoLang and NodeJS (choco install golang
and choco install nodejs
) and Visual Studio already installed. Then, I copied this folder to my ~/.vim
in msys2. Under C:\msys64\home\username\.vim\bundle\YouCompleteMe\third_party\ycmd
there is a file named:PYTHON_USED_DURING_BUILDING
In this file it refers to the python that is used for compilation. You should chang it to msys compatible path similar to:
Some useless notes!
Comparing two files:
If you already have two panes open, you can:diffthis
on each of them and then use:
Go to next block of diffdp
Push this version of the current block into the other panedo
Use the block from the other pane in this pane
Do you really need Caps key?!
- I use SharpKeys to change my
key toCtrl
key, because I barely use caps. - For mac you can do this using
System Preferences>>Keyboard>>Modifier Keys
- In Gnome you can do this using
Keyboard>>Layouts>>Options>>Ctrl position>>Caps Lock
Now that you have mappedCtrl
to an easier location you can useCtrl+[
instead ofEsc
Anaconda in MSYS2
In case you are interested your Anaconda Python Environments in msys2 add the following to your~/.bash_profile
(change username and anaconda path to yours)# >>> conda initialize >>>
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
eval "$('/c/Users/USER-NAME/anaconda3/Scripts/conda.exe' 'shell.bash' 'hook')"
# <<< conda initialize <<<
Starting tmux by default
add the following to~/.bash_profile
or ~/.bashrc
to start terminal or msys2 with tmux by default:if command -v tmux &> /dev/null && [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then
tmux attach -t default || tmux new -s default
Looking for Fonts?
Here you can find some good fonts:
My minimal dotfiles
Here is my .vimrc
:Here is my